urbanstyle ::esko poslala sam ti upit na pp-daj mi instrukcie
necu ti izbrisati account na mjesec dana, ako se predomislis da mozes nastaviti pisati. tako sam odlucio i to je moje pravo kao admina ako ti nesto nije jasno procitaj uvjete koristenja foruma i admin ovlasti
The admin has full control on what he wants to do with your account.
In accordance with article 34 of the data-processing law and freedoms of January 6, 1978, each member of a forum has a right of access, of modification, correction and suppression of the data which relate to it. This is why the administrator cannot refuse to remove an account. If such is the case, warn Forumotion who will require of the administrator to remove this account. In the event of refusal of his share, it will be exposed to the pure and simple removal of his forum for nonrespect of the "data-processing and freedoms"...
It should be noted however that you cannot require of the administrator to remove all your messages (Except if they contain personal information making it possible to identify you formally).
There is however an exception to this obligation:
In the event of a complaint (For racist insults, slandering, remarks, homophobes or revisionists remarks, etc...) against the person who asks for the suppression of his account, it should be known that the
administrator cannot erase the data relating to the identification of this person (In particular IP address who allows to identify a person formally): it is legally held to be able to communicate with them during a one year deadline minimum (This to allow for example justice to find this person and to possibly initiate a procedure against that particular persone).dakle, ako u roku od mjesec dana ne napises ni jedan post i niti se logiras na forum, izbrisat cu ti account. u slucaju da se logiras u toku tih mjesec dana, produzava ti se brisanje accounta za iducih mjesec dana.
isto pravilo vrijedi i za sve forumase. jer gdje bismo stigli da svi postanu Guest? ti imas previse postova da tek tako mozes nestati, da imas malo postova lako ti izbrisem account.
jedino to pravilo ne vrijedi za Primu jer im slijedi kaznena prijava i jos mnogo ruznih stvari koje ni u nocnim morama nisu sanjali. naravno, ako nastave mene jebat u zdrav mozak.